Duration :
1 day
Difficulty level :
Search for patentability and drafting of a provisional application
Patentability search
Search strategy
Technology watch
Where, when, how and why to file a provisional application
Practical advice
Question period.
Search strategy
Technology watch
Where, when, how and why to file a provisional application
Practical advice
Question period.
More information
For more information, please feel free to contact us:
Tel. 514-395-8500
Email: formation@brouillette.ca
Tel. 514-395-8500
Email: formation@brouillette.ca
Possible teaching formula
At our offices
This training is offered in-company or on our premises and includes all educational materials.
Who will provide this training?

Robert Brouillette, LL.B, Engineer, Patent and Trademark Agent
Robert holds an engineering degree and a law degree. He is a member of the Order of Engineers of Quebec. He is a registered trademark agent and patent agent in Canada and the United States. His professional background makes him a man passionate about entrepreneurship and very accessible.

Philippe Brouillette, Lawyer, Engineer, Patent and Trademark Agent
Philippe holds a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering and is a member of the Quebec Bar. He is a member of the Order of Engineers of Quebec. He is a registered trademark agent and patent agent in Canada. His professional background allows him to provide advice in the field of business law, technology and IT.